Help me save life on our planet and preserve environment for our children by using green and clean energy!

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воскресенье, 26 июня 2011 г.
Green Energy Wallpaper
Recently I was amazed seeing that advertizement where a house was fully covered with green US dollar bills from top to bottom. This is exactly what I wish to do in order to stop nuclear power plant disaster. They are renting surfaces to cover them with solar panels which are capable to produce cheap electricity for local use. They approach the issue like Google does it with its PPC ads ready to place it on almost any website. I can imagine contractors starting to build solar panel friendly buildings with the south walls ready for becoming a local power plant. This is really great! Are you inspired like I am?
среда, 22 июня 2011 г.
Hello to all my 2000+ Twitter friends!
Today we are celebrating passing 2000 mark and giving gifts. The most asked for things were financial and spiritual supply. I don't know another way to speak about those two at once than looking at what US dollars trust in. Ok, lets set God and His kingdom in the first place and share a link to daily inspirational email subscription
And this link will give you up to $5 a day without any investment I will be happy to see you on the other side of the free member registration form and explain this to you in detail. Rejoice!
And this link will give you up to $5 a day without any investment I will be happy to see you on the other side of the free member registration form and explain this to you in detail. Rejoice!
понедельник, 20 июня 2011 г.
Buy Solar Panels
@seelenity Just followed me on Twitter. This is the greatest and smartest decision of your life and I congratulate and warmly welcome you to the happy club forCleanEnergy. In your profile there is a question like this: What do you think of when i say don't think of elephants? I understand you playing like a child. I will also play and respond: Everybody says don't think of pink elephants, but you buy an elephant! You will answer bla.bla,bla, and I will say again: Everybody says bla.bla,bla, but you buy an elephant. See if you can win in my game, ha!
I actually welcome all of my almost 2000 followers and tell you all: Make or buy solar panels! You do not have to buy from me or through me. Just go and buy solar panels to save the Earth! I am blogging and will be blogging on this to stop all nuclear power plants. We can do it together.
Now I am preparing to release a gift to 2000 followers. Tell me what you want. You have another couple days before the number is filled up.
вторник, 14 июня 2011 г.
Red Forest
Try to guess which place on earth is the most contaminated with radioactivity. It is called Red Forest and it is located in Ukraine near Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Humans don't live there anymore. By now they became very educated about such things there. This provided a pleasant and safe refuge to wild animals, birds, and insects. Storks, wolves, beavers, and eagles have been reported in the area. Some say they see mutated creatures there, but we have no evidences to it. page in Wikipedia states that the situation there is worse than in Hiroshima. You can take a virtual walk in the Red Forest here
and you can wait an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year and see the same in your backyard. You don't have to pay anything or do anything. It will come randomly and spontaneously to ruin our lives. Alternatively we can rise up and say NO to nuclear power energy! Build solar panels or buy solar panels if you cannot make them, but do it NOW!
четверг, 9 июня 2011 г.
Big idea for small planet
Arghya Narendra D @arghyaND called it this way, but the idea is actually not so big. The basic idea here is to force the governments of our countries to stop high dander factor of nuclear power plants without coming back to old fashioned habit of burning coal, oil, etc that also damages our planet. People are happy to help a foreign being in Star Gates to save his planet. Now is the time to save our planet by using renewable energy such as Sun light energy using solar power generation systems or the wind energy available to us day and night. Before I asked anyone participate in this idea, I have collected some top home energy advice materials anyone can use to produce his own energy and unplug his home from the official electric plan of his state. And even if your government is going to the right direction, like Germany or USA, you can do it anyway and simply save big time on electricity bills you have to pay now. Again I say that it is not a big deal. The big deal is being cooking right now. It is not ready for a presentation, so stay tuned. Just follow me on Twitter and we will get into my new big idea of .. I better stop for now.
воскресенье, 5 июня 2011 г.
Clean Energy Obama
Did you know that in the US there is a president that likes the clean energy idea as much as I do? I think that he loves the clean energy even better than I do, because he will pay you if you use solar panels on your house. I am not offering you money for going green, but I can assure you that you will save money by using clean renewable energy of the Sun and the wind. Look at this link
пятница, 3 июня 2011 г.
There may not be tomorrow at all!
Thanks to one of my Twitter friends I found out of this
If the whole country can do it, we can do it at home much faster. The key is to realize the moral responsibility laying on the shoulders of our generation. If we will not replace nuclear energy with clean energy now – there may not be tomorrow at all!
Ibn Saeed Al-Azmy @heaven_tears13 mentioned you: |
@forCleanEnergy what is the alternative to German nuclear energy and is it feasible to use solar,wind enrgy 2 its full potential in 11 yrs?
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