Possibly someone has a viable reason to let the Earth be destroyed and gain something better and greater instead. I am not aware of any reason like that. All we have at the moment are just hopes to find other planets suitable for our form of life. We are still speculating if there is life on the nearest planets. We have never been there – we have only started selling space there. (Who is going to buy a property that he has no way to use in the nearest future?)
Let's say we know a good planet and also know how to get there in 10 years. We immediately send a hundred people to colonize it just in case we will have to loose the Earth. But who knows if there is a factor making it impossible to beget a functional human being outside of Earth? Who has the assurance that sending people to colonize outward space is not sending them to die out there without any hope of reproduction?
We are sending people to space for decades already. What are they doing there? If they are not doing that one thing they are supposed to be doing, they are spending Earth's resources for nothing. I want to hear that two young people conceived and born in space having a baby in space. News like that will prove me that people can fly away from our planet to populate the Universe. But what are they telling us now? They are reporting some half way experiments with rats! http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=702
They don't even report on attempts to reproduce humans outside of Earth. Unless we find out that it is possible we should make every effort to preserve the Earth's environment to be able to stay here as long as we need. We should not endanger our cities with nuclear power plant explosions in particular. Now at the time of solar energy breakthrough we can almost freely collect electricity from the only God given safe nuclear power plant – the Sun!
Our Earth is a unique place where humans ever reproduced themselves. There are so many people in the world that we forget about importance of ability to reproduce ourselves. Without such an ability all of our billions in 90 years will come to zero. We need to stop and think about better ways in life and particularly in energy safety. Solar and wind energy are considered renewable and clean sources of energy because they don't use up or endanger our nature. We are all responsible to make our own transfer to the clean energy for our homes. This is one of the ways to preserve our planet, which we all need very much.
Help me save life on our planet and preserve environment for our children by using green and clean energy!

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вторник, 26 июля 2011 г.
четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.
Energy Saving Tips
@leftiejenessie is asking: I'm new to twitter and your website won't let me get the energy saving tips.
I am sorry, but I also have a problem right now, but you will not be forgotten for a long time – when this free subscription service comes back I will manually enter your info from the admin area. By the way I wish to clarify that my tips are not for saving energy – they are on saving money in general. Concerning energy my concept it completely different. We need energy and we need to use it and enjoy it as much as possible. But it matters how we get it! Using solar energy and wind energy are the best way to save your money without asceticism. Plus you will help to save the earth from nuclear pollution (this is what I am really fighting for). If you are willing to learn about ways of producing cheap renewable electricity at home, look into the best sources collected on the right side of my blog.
пятница, 15 июля 2011 г.
Effect of nuclear power on environment - make solar panels
renang holomo @hlmlucas is asking:
@forCleanEnergy What's the effect of nuclear power on environment?
Acationally nuclear power plants leak radioactive materials harmful to humans. Suddenly people are getting sick without a visible reason. Their children are born with defects. If the information about it comes out to public, the local population runs away and the wild nature comes in with all its power. If you are asking about nature by itself, nuclear power is good for it in two ways: 1st is that it saves the air from products of burning in traditional electric plants and 2nd is that it scares people away from such a potential danger. For humans nuclear power is only good as a weapon of revenge. I don't recommend using it at all. There are other ways to get energy. The best way is to use the only God given nuclear power plant in our solar system – this is the cheapest and safest way to get clean (green) electricity, which is renewable (doesn't waste the Earth's resources). Anyone can make solar panels at home. Look here on my blog and you will find great materials that will save your money and save our environment for us.
@forCleanEnergy What's the effect of nuclear power on environment?
Acationally nuclear power plants leak radioactive materials harmful to humans. Suddenly people are getting sick without a visible reason. Their children are born with defects. If the information about it comes out to public, the local population runs away and the wild nature comes in with all its power. If you are asking about nature by itself, nuclear power is good for it in two ways: 1st is that it saves the air from products of burning in traditional electric plants and 2nd is that it scares people away from such a potential danger. For humans nuclear power is only good as a weapon of revenge. I don't recommend using it at all. There are other ways to get energy. The best way is to use the only God given nuclear power plant in our solar system – this is the cheapest and safest way to get clean (green) electricity, which is renewable (doesn't waste the Earth's resources). Anyone can make solar panels at home. Look here on my blog and you will find great materials that will save your money and save our environment for us.
среда, 13 июля 2011 г.
Sun Tracking Device
Alex from ROMANIA knows how to follow the Sun during the day and by this produce more energy. In my country people just set their solar panels to the south and hope for the best. Using Alex's technology you can double your results in no time. He asked me to join his affiliate program, but I am not going to (too hard for me). Here is the direct link to his site http://www.sun-tracking-diy.com/
воскресенье, 3 июля 2011 г.
Excellent local victory of jellyfish forces over a nuclear power plant in Scotland
Excellent local victory of jellyfish forces over a nuclear power plant in Scotland is a marvelous example of triumph that the nature's wisdom always celebrates over human technical madness!
My idea was more economic and less brutal, but the main problem is that it needs human support. So I was blogging and tweeting to humans. From now on I am taking a drastic turn in whom I am seeking for an alliance. Jellyfish just proved that it has a backbone stronger than the whole human race has.
If a dolphin army needs my help in stopping all nuclear power plants on Earth, here they are on this map
Worldwide map of nuclear power stations and earthquake zones shows the most dangerous places to start the fight for them before an earthquake causes an explosion.
I also call all humans to come to soberness and start helping the animals by (as I always say) unplugging their homes and businesses from nuclear energy and switching to the clean and green solar energy. It will save the Planet and bring you some economic benefit too.
My idea was more economic and less brutal, but the main problem is that it needs human support. So I was blogging and tweeting to humans. From now on I am taking a drastic turn in whom I am seeking for an alliance. Jellyfish just proved that it has a backbone stronger than the whole human race has.
If a dolphin army needs my help in stopping all nuclear power plants on Earth, here they are on this map
Worldwide map of nuclear power stations and earthquake zones shows the most dangerous places to start the fight for them before an earthquake causes an explosion.
I also call all humans to come to soberness and start helping the animals by (as I always say) unplugging their homes and businesses from nuclear energy and switching to the clean and green solar energy. It will save the Planet and bring you some economic benefit too.
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