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понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

Economic Question

As a little nobody I have a little economic question. May be it should be called an economizing question. Why my electricity bill was so big if they are not doing the thing thy call very expensive?

Ok. I admit that building solar panels takes some initial investment. Big stations (may be) are harder to make then small home power stations. They will even have to hire an additional cleaning lady or two to dust the panels. That's all true. But nevertheless!!! (I better stop this paragraph and go to the new one).

In our small experience after we build the solar panels the expenses are almost over! Where did our electric bill money go before:
1. We were paying them salaries (to move papers from desk to desk :( ) .
2. We were subsidizing their fuel purchases (to burn it :( ).
3. We were maintaining their beloved outdated infrastructure, which is always overloaded by lazy consumers and ever expanding as the default option instead of being a plan B for emergency situations.

I do feel that to have a back up plan for an emergency electric supply is a great idea, but we must be clear that in a normal situation we do not need to use all those wires and loose electricity while transporting and transforming it all the time in such enormous quantities! Practically a big transformer can rest on a sunny day if a smaller one can make it. May be here I am wrong because I am not a pro, but the burning of fuel on a sunny day can be minimized for sure!

In my country salaries in the electrical company are among the best ones. They are fat! Following them in their nature killing ways is a shame. Unless they tap into renewable energy sources and make electricity cheaper, we need to withdraw from them our financial support and produce the bulk part of our home electricity locally by ourselves using solar panels and wind generators. When can you start?

вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Powder Keg

The whole world is sitting on the powder keg. We have already realized it and tried to reduce the arsenal of nuclear weapons. But humankind does not soberly remember the need to reduce the danger from “peaceful” nuclear reactors dispersed throughout the earth. They are ticking there because their time has not come yet. In Fucushima there was an alarm sounding for the first time in Japan. Chernobyl happened in Ukraine. In Russia happened two nuclear submarines “Komsomoletz” and “Kursk” and a lot of things hidden by the Soviet governments.
Who is guilty in not stopping this. I feel that a part of shame is on us, common citizens. We voted for our representatives in the governments and didn't clearly communicate the need to them. We are consuming the electricity produced by nuclear reactors and paying for it. We should plug ourselves out of their system of error by building our own clean sun and wind energy generators. We must vote with our feet if voting with hands doesn't help.

пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.

Why are you still swatting at home?

Do you feel sometimes in the summer that it is getting too hot at home? Do you envy the rich people running air conditioner all the time without even thinking about their electricity bills? Are you running to the nearest superstore just to stop swatting for a moment? Stop and think about it. You can change everything around in two days and live happily ever after.

Why didn't you still buy an air conditioner in your climate? I know why. You had the money for it, but you didn't want to pay that long electricity bill. Now you don't need to. Let's make a four month plan.

First month you are making or buying those solar panels everyone is talking about and the second month watch your money coming back as a saving on your power bill. Now you have the assurance in the future and reinvest the money into a good AC you were always dreaming about. The third and fourth months you are cool and counting your savings! By the end of the fourth month you are happy, because you have upgraded your lifestyle for free! Next month you can spend your money on what you like instead of sending it to the electrical company. Do it now and you will have a cool summer!

среда, 18 мая 2011 г.

The only safe nuclear power plant free of charge for all population of the earth!

In my opinion the only one who can build and maintain a nuclear power plant is One who can protect it from accidents and protect us from destruction. Who can it be?

Actually this Somebody has already placed one nuclear power plant not very far from our planet. He has wisely calculated the distance to give us plenty of free energy and at the same time to protect us from the radiation.

We can never make it as good as He did. Our nuclear experiments on our own planet are dangerous. We just need to say Thank You and collect the energy He gave us as our forefathers were collecting manna from heaven. Each one can get as much of free solar energy as he can use. The infrastructure you will need is so cheap that your money spent on it will come back next month as saving on your next electric bill.

Join me in loving God and loving our planet. Make your first solar panel or just buy it this week. Look at the nearby buildings and find a help.

пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.

Build the greatest power plant of clean energy

How to build the greatest power plant of clean energy?

The governments of the world do not like this idea of clean energy because they already have the old dirty energy infrastructure in place. No one wants to invest in something unnecessary. It is cheaper to burn stuff and keep hopping for next tsunami to happen away from your nearby nuclear power plant than to build solar panels and wind generators. Actually it is not only cheap – it is beneficial for them because you are paying for it out of your packet month after month.

Are you getting it? You are supporting this madness of their planet destructing business!

I came to change the situation by educating regular energy consumers and instructing them how to build their own clean power plants at home, by unplugging them from those monthly charges and redirecting their budget to what they really want to buy, and by forcing the old-fashioned electrical companies dry up and reconsider their way.

Our best way now is in one word – distributed. If we all produce just a little electricity to cover our own homes, we will make more electricity than any existing power plant in the world. In order to make this distributed power plant we first need to distribute the know how about building low cost home energy solutions for those of us who can do it and direct those who cannot do it to the relevant local businesses.

On this blog I have gathered resources for both types of people. If you have good hands but no money – there are ten special pages here with information about home and car energy. Having those detailed instructions and support you can make your electricity in hours from now and profit in the first month of using it instead of paying for it all the time. The rest of us can find a local ad and order it – it will still be a big saving starting from the second or third month. The most important thing is that it will help to save our planet.

суббота, 7 мая 2011 г.

Stop Buying Electricity

In my childhood the prevailing concept was that man is progressing himself and improving the environment around him. One excellent example was upgrading from burning coal to using nuclear power. I was proud for humans being able to master such an advanced science and technology. All this was up to 1986 when that advanced technology produced such an advanced pollution in Chernobyl. One can say that it was all because of undisciplined character of Russians, but today we can see how an act of God can produce the same disaster in Focushima in spite of the wonderful character of Japanese people. I am not sure that we absolutely have to tolerate this tremendous danger in our countries, next to our cities. There must be another way. Can't we start using more and more the free energy sun gives us every day? Some parts of the earth have sun all the time. In my city rains only in winter. My summer electric bills are much smaller. If we wished to do it, we could stop using coal and gasoline altogether. We could force our electrical company to have a summer vocation. We all can have electricity free of charge and stop buying from them.

четверг, 5 мая 2011 г.

Unsafe Nuclear Electricity - Chernobyl

Can we trust our governments to produce #electricity in a safe and clean way? We can do it ourselves!
Can you imagine that somebody will come and turn your light off? It is very possible if you don't pay. Do you have a plan B?
This was exactly what concerned the manager of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. What if I loose the outward electric supply and will have to start my diesel generator to keep pumping water through the cooling system?
This guy couldn't sleep at night trying to produce a workable plan B to bridge the 1 minute gap of not pumping water. Year after year he was experimenting. He didn't tell anything to his boss in hope to find a solution as fast as possible.
He planned an experiment for tonight. To imitate the problem he planned some favorable conditions to start with. He knew that in the case of failure (like last couple times) he will still control the situation and this assumption led him to disable some safety features.
The crew wasn't very experienced and knowledgeable in the nuclear technology and entered into the experiment under slightly different circumstances. The situation went out of control and death toll started to roll.

среда, 4 мая 2011 г.

Hello world, we will make you better!

I am here to be your savior. I am a simple little man, but I see a way if not to make the world much better place to live, at least to preserve it for a longer time. You may ask why. I have an answer on a short YouTube video here to show how irresponsible people can easily destroy the world. They will have a good enough excuse to do it if we will not preempt. My blog here is going to make it all clear.
Let us make a brief overview of my idea. Work it out from the bottom to the top. Start with individuals and families and reach communities and governments.

Sun, wind, and water can provide sufficient energy supply for my home, for my workplace, for my city ... In some places there is no sun, but there is plenty of wind. In some there is no sun, no wind, but there is a river. Some can even produce a clean energy for their car. They are ready to teach you.
I am very happy with my solar panel. It saves my budget, but most importantly it can save the planet from building nuclear power stations!